Die unabhängige Spieleschau ist eine lockere Newsreihe, die Indie-Games mehr Bedeutung schenken will. Dabei spielt das Genre keine Rolle: Action-Adventure, Simulation oder Strategie - Alles kann, nichts muss.
Ihr habt ein solches Game entdeckt, dann her damit: Stellt mir eure Indie-Entdeckung in diesen Thread samt kurze Game-Info, Links zur Webseite etc. vor und werdet so Teil der nächsten Newsausgabe von "Die unabhängige Spieleschau". 

Im Game wird man die Stadt Medhram samt Ruinen und Horror-Elemente entdecken. Die vielen Dungeons sind voll gepackt mit Fallen, Rätseln und Gegnern, die ihr mit diversen Waffen und "schwarzen" Magieeffekten lösen beziehungsweise erledigen müsst. Durch diese Kraft der Magie könnt ihr euch zeitweise schneller bewegen, durch verschlossene Gitter gleiten oder euch einfach im Schatten der Dunkelheit verstecken. Ein Upgrade und Build-System lässt euch eure Kräfte anpassen und/oder verbessern, um nach und nach die mehr als 12 Bosse im Game besiegen zu können.
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Hunt the Night is an action-adventure game in a dark world with the retro aesthetics of the golden age of the 16-bits. As a member of 'The Stalkers’ order, you must cross a vast and devastated world full of dungeons filled with puzzles, enemies and traps.
The difficulty of the game is high but rewarding, especially in the intense battles against bosses.
The art design, music and story capture this essence and complement each other creating a unique experience.
If you love Bloodborne and Dark Souls style dark fantasy games, a high but rewarding difficulty, build creation, gameplay that rewards the players’ skills and the exploration and graphic style of classics like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Secret of mana games, Hunt the Night is for you!
- A huge dark world to explore in a combination of action-adventure games and dark fantasy lore!
- Play as Vesper, the main character, and her darkness counterpart, Umbra, simultaneously.
- Explore all kinds of locations, from ancient cathedrals, huge libraries of knowledge and lost kingdoms, to moving trains and floating cities.
- Customize the upgrades of your weapons and equip the armour that best suits your gameplay: critical damage, life steal, poison, close combat, firepower, etc.
- Survive to huge dungeons full of traps, enemies, puzzles and challenges.
- More than 12 challenging Bosses with multiple and innovative mechanics along with intense combats with several phases.
- Immersive and adapted music to every moment, boss and location. With the collaboration of Hiroki Kikuta, Secret of Mana composer.
- Combination of both traditional 2D animations with 3D effects.
- Script of more than 200 pages for a story of overcoming, balance and redemption.
The difficulty of the game is high but rewarding, especially in the intense battles against bosses.
The art design, music and story capture this essence and complement each other creating a unique experience.
If you love Bloodborne and Dark Souls style dark fantasy games, a high but rewarding difficulty, build creation, gameplay that rewards the players’ skills and the exploration and graphic style of classics like The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Secret of mana games, Hunt the Night is for you!
- A huge dark world to explore in a combination of action-adventure games and dark fantasy lore!
- Play as Vesper, the main character, and her darkness counterpart, Umbra, simultaneously.
- Explore all kinds of locations, from ancient cathedrals, huge libraries of knowledge and lost kingdoms, to moving trains and floating cities.
- Customize the upgrades of your weapons and equip the armour that best suits your gameplay: critical damage, life steal, poison, close combat, firepower, etc.
- Survive to huge dungeons full of traps, enemies, puzzles and challenges.
- More than 12 challenging Bosses with multiple and innovative mechanics along with intense combats with several phases.
- Immersive and adapted music to every moment, boss and location. With the collaboration of Hiroki Kikuta, Secret of Mana composer.
- Combination of both traditional 2D animations with 3D effects.
- Script of more than 200 pages for a story of overcoming, balance and redemption.