Das Entwicklerstudio Grasshopper Manufacture und Suda51 haben nun für das Nintendo Switch-exklusive Game Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes das erste Update veröffentlicht. Das Update trägt die Versionsnummer 1.0.1 und ist ab sofort verfügbar. Neben den obligatorischen Bugfixes bringt das Game ein neuer New Game+ Modus mit sich.
[NOTICE] The #TravisStrikesAgain #NoMoreHeroes Ver.1.0.1 update has been released. With this latest update, upon clearing the game you will be able to carry over all skills and character levels to a new game with the newly added New Game+Mode. New bonus T-shirts have been added ... — Grasshopper
... for players who have beaten all bosses in Spicy Mode. And, several bugs have been fixed to ensure the smoothest gameplay experience possible. As these updates were originally reported to be made available on launch day, we apologize for the delay and thank you for your patience.