Heute ist es endlich soweit und Microsoft veröffentlicht die Xbox One X weltweit im Handel. Damit ist die leistungsstärkste Konsole der Welt verfügbar. Zahlreiche Entwickler haben an Updates für ihre bisherigen, oder neuen Spiele gearbeitet, um auch Gebrauch von der Power der Xbox One X zu machen.
Gestern detaillierte Bethesda die Verbesserung einiger Spiele, die ihr hier seht.
Fallout 4
Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution
Enhanced draw distance for trees, grass, objects and NPCs
Enhanced God Ray effects
Skyrim Special Edition
Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution
Dishonored 2 & Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution
Improved framerate stability
4K textures
Improved geometry/draw distances
Improved anti-aliasing
Improved shadows quality
The Evil Within 2
Enhanced Features include:
Upgraded resolution
Higher framerate
30 fps lock removal
The Elder Scrolls Online
Supports Native 4K Resolution and HDR
Enhanced features include:
Increased view distance
Upgraded shadows with Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
Upgraded water reflections
Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution
Enhanced draw distance for trees, grass, objects and NPCs
Enhanced God Ray effects
Skyrim Special Edition
Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution
Dishonored 2 & Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
Supports 4K Resolution
Enhanced features include:
Dynamic Resolution
Improved framerate stability
4K textures
Improved geometry/draw distances
Improved anti-aliasing
Improved shadows quality
The Evil Within 2
Enhanced Features include:
Upgraded resolution
Higher framerate
30 fps lock removal
The Elder Scrolls Online
Supports Native 4K Resolution and HDR
Enhanced features include:
Increased view distance
Upgraded shadows with Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
Upgraded water reflections