Letzte Woche teilte Respawn Entertainment mit, dass die Titanfall Reihe mittlerweile mehr als 20 Millionen Spieler verzeichnen kann. Alleine eine Million Spieler gibt es jeden Monat bei Titanfall 2. Für das Sequel wurde auch gleich der nächste kostenlose DLC angekündigt, der bereits heute veröffentlicht wurde.
The War Games liefert unter anderem zwei neue Maps und weitere Neuerungen, die ihr euch hier sehen könnt. Zukünftige Erweiterungen sind bereits in Arbeit.
New Content (Free)
War Games – Pilots on the Frontier frequently use simulator pods to train, using life-like recreations of historical battles as combat scenarios. War Games highlights the civilian shops, tall buildings for window-to-window fighting, and city streets for Titan combat from the Battle of Angel City, and the large, open tank garage facilities for hand-to-hand Pilot combat from the Battle of Airbase Sierra. The outskirts of the map feature a clean, VR style perfect for Titan duels, while Pilots are often found running along the bright, interconnected wallrunning routes.
Traffic [Live Fire only] – A weathered test site where pilot positioning is pitted against mobility across two busy thoroughfares. Dense cover makes every corner a threat, with room for snipers to hide in the back fields.
Shadow Boxing [Holo Pilot] – Get 20 kills while Holo Pilot or Holo Pilot Nova is active. Does not track holo pilot kills done retroactively.
3rd weapon slot added for Pilots
All Pilots can now equip a primary, secondary, and anti-titan weapon.
The 2nd weapon or 3rd weapon can be either pistol or anti-titan weapon, based on your loadout.
Console Players
Press Y or Triangle to swap to your 2nd weapon.
Hold Y or Triangle to swap to your 3rd weapon.
PC Players
Use 1,2,3 keybindings to change weapons.
New Featured Mode: Free Agents
Free-for-all with a twist. Collect 3 batteries to call in a Titan. Battery locations are placed around the map. Pilots drop batteries on death.
Titan Brawl now added as permanent mode in mixtape matchmaking
Titan Damage in now tracked in the scoreboard.
More Private Match Settings
Round / Score Limit
[Round] Time Limit
Pilot Boosts [On, Off]
Pilot Boost / Titan Meter Multiplier [25% to 500%]
Pilot Boost / Titan Meter Overdrive [On, Off, Only]
Pilot Health [25% to 500%]
Respawn Delay [0 to 40] seconds
Titan Core Meter Multiplier [25% to 500%]
PC only: chat box is back
Game Improvements
Evac ship will now leave immediately once all living players are onboard.
Additional performance optimizations on Xbox One.
Added an easter egg to Glitch.
Game Mode Adjustments
Replaced flag icons with stacked score bars.
A permanent flag icon is now displays the status of each flag [Home, / You have the Flag, SECURE / RETURN].
Flag status no longer displays after the winner is determined.
Display team Titan status.
Bug Fixes
Fixed exploit on Exoplanet where players could get under the map.
Fixed bug where stealing a battery from a rodeo would not give player any Titan meter.
Fixed issue in CTF where the flag would appear to be unreturnable.
Fixed issue with Legion shield not appearing sometimes.
Fixed a couple spots on Eden where Pilots were able to hide inside geometry.
Fixed issue with Tone where reload would happen during her execution.
Fixed issue where Ronin Prime execution played wrong audio.
Addressed issue where Pilots couldn’t enter evac while in phase state when using Phase Shift. The trigger to enter the evac will now be activated when the player exits phase state.
Monarch no longer gets two Electric Smokes when using her Upgrade Core.
War Games – Pilots on the Frontier frequently use simulator pods to train, using life-like recreations of historical battles as combat scenarios. War Games highlights the civilian shops, tall buildings for window-to-window fighting, and city streets for Titan combat from the Battle of Angel City, and the large, open tank garage facilities for hand-to-hand Pilot combat from the Battle of Airbase Sierra. The outskirts of the map feature a clean, VR style perfect for Titan duels, while Pilots are often found running along the bright, interconnected wallrunning routes.
Traffic [Live Fire only] – A weathered test site where pilot positioning is pitted against mobility across two busy thoroughfares. Dense cover makes every corner a threat, with room for snipers to hide in the back fields.
Shadow Boxing [Holo Pilot] – Get 20 kills while Holo Pilot or Holo Pilot Nova is active. Does not track holo pilot kills done retroactively.
3rd weapon slot added for Pilots
All Pilots can now equip a primary, secondary, and anti-titan weapon.
The 2nd weapon or 3rd weapon can be either pistol or anti-titan weapon, based on your loadout.
Console Players
Press Y or Triangle to swap to your 2nd weapon.
Hold Y or Triangle to swap to your 3rd weapon.
PC Players
Use 1,2,3 keybindings to change weapons.
New Featured Mode: Free Agents
Free-for-all with a twist. Collect 3 batteries to call in a Titan. Battery locations are placed around the map. Pilots drop batteries on death.
Titan Brawl now added as permanent mode in mixtape matchmaking
Titan Damage in now tracked in the scoreboard.
More Private Match Settings
Round / Score Limit
[Round] Time Limit
Pilot Boosts [On, Off]
Pilot Boost / Titan Meter Multiplier [25% to 500%]
Pilot Boost / Titan Meter Overdrive [On, Off, Only]
Pilot Health [25% to 500%]
Respawn Delay [0 to 40] seconds
Titan Core Meter Multiplier [25% to 500%]
PC only: chat box is back
Game Improvements
Evac ship will now leave immediately once all living players are onboard.
Additional performance optimizations on Xbox One.
Added an easter egg to Glitch.
Game Mode Adjustments
Replaced flag icons with stacked score bars.
A permanent flag icon is now displays the status of each flag [Home,
Flag status no longer displays after the winner is determined.
Display team Titan status.
Bug Fixes
Fixed exploit on Exoplanet where players could get under the map.
Fixed bug where stealing a battery from a rodeo would not give player any Titan meter.
Fixed issue in CTF where the flag would appear to be unreturnable.
Fixed issue with Legion shield not appearing sometimes.
Fixed a couple spots on Eden where Pilots were able to hide inside geometry.
Fixed issue with Tone where reload would happen during her execution.
Fixed issue where Ronin Prime execution played wrong audio.
Addressed issue where Pilots couldn’t enter evac while in phase state when using Phase Shift. The trigger to enter the evac will now be activated when the player exits phase state.
Monarch no longer gets two Electric Smokes when using her Upgrade Core.