Nintendo hat bekannt gegeben, in den frühen Morgenstunden des 6. Juli, also nächsten Dienstag, Patch 2.9.0 zu Splatoon veröffentlichen zu wollen. Einige Änderungen stehen bevor, ihr solltet 373MB freien Speicherplatz dafür zur Verfügung haben. Die Patch Notes könnt ihr euch hier ansehen.
Compatible amiibo Added
Now compatible with Callie and Marie amiibo.
Main Weapon Balancing
Adjustments have been made to specifications for certain Main Wepons.
Weapon Adjustment
Dynamo Roller ▼When using the ink fling attack, decreased the central zone in which it was possible to splat an opponent with a single attack by 18%.
Gold Dynamo Roller △Increased damage dealt when flinging ink to attack the barrier around the Rainmaker in Rainmaker mode by 12%.
Tempered Dynamo Roller ▼Increased the time taken to begin recovering ink after an ink fling attack from 1.17 to 1.33 seconds.
Special Weapon Effect Duration Balancing
Weapon Adjustment
Bubbler ▼Decreased base duration (with no other gear abilities equipped) from roughly 5.0 to roughly 4.5 seconds.
△Increased the maximum extra duration added by gear abilities from 40% to 60%.
Kraken ▼Decreased base duration (with no other gear abilities equipped) from roughly 6.0 to roughly 5.0 seconds.
△Increased maximum extra duration added by gear abilities from 40% to 60%.
Stage Adjustments
Ancho-V Games: Fixed an issue in Rainmaker mode, in which certain terrain wasn’t appearing correctly on the turf map when inked.
Multiplayer Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused players performing a Super Jump while swimming through ink to appear to be sliding long distances to opponents.
Fixed an issue that caused Ink Mines placed on enemy turf to occasionally be visible byopponents, whether or not they had the Bomb Sniffer gear ability.
Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.
Now compatible with Callie and Marie amiibo.
Main Weapon Balancing
Adjustments have been made to specifications for certain Main Wepons.
Weapon Adjustment
Dynamo Roller ▼When using the ink fling attack, decreased the central zone in which it was possible to splat an opponent with a single attack by 18%.
Gold Dynamo Roller △Increased damage dealt when flinging ink to attack the barrier around the Rainmaker in Rainmaker mode by 12%.
Tempered Dynamo Roller ▼Increased the time taken to begin recovering ink after an ink fling attack from 1.17 to 1.33 seconds.
Special Weapon Effect Duration Balancing
Weapon Adjustment
Bubbler ▼Decreased base duration (with no other gear abilities equipped) from roughly 5.0 to roughly 4.5 seconds.
△Increased the maximum extra duration added by gear abilities from 40% to 60%.
Kraken ▼Decreased base duration (with no other gear abilities equipped) from roughly 6.0 to roughly 5.0 seconds.
△Increased maximum extra duration added by gear abilities from 40% to 60%.
Stage Adjustments
Ancho-V Games: Fixed an issue in Rainmaker mode, in which certain terrain wasn’t appearing correctly on the turf map when inked.
Multiplayer Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused players performing a Super Jump while swimming through ink to appear to be sliding long distances to opponents.
Fixed an issue that caused Ink Mines placed on enemy turf to occasionally be visible byopponents, whether or not they had the Bomb Sniffer gear ability.
Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.