Wie wir gestern schon berichtet haben, hat Nintendo Update 2.5.0 für Splatoon vorbereitet. Der neue Patch für das Wii U Spiel ist jetzt verfügbar. 124MB freien Speicherplatz benötigt ihr dafür auf eurer Festplatte. Welche Änderungen genau einfließen, könnt ihr noch einmal hier nachlesen. Neue Inhalte sollen noch bis Ende des Monats erscheinen.
Stage Adjustments:
– Walleye Warehouse: Adjustments will be made to object placement in Rainmaker Mode.
– Arowana Mall: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
– Piranha Pit: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in Tower Control Mode.
Battle Adjustments
– Museum D’Alfonsino: Fix the issue in modes other than Tower Control in which the area around the central rotating platform was registering as being inked in unintended ways.
– Mahi-Mahi Resort: Fix the issue In Rainmaker Mode in which breaking the Rainmaker barrier while in the central area caused the special gauge to fill more than intended.
– Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.
– Walleye Warehouse: Adjustments will be made to object placement in Rainmaker Mode.
– Arowana Mall: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
– Piranha Pit: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in Tower Control Mode.
Battle Adjustments
– Museum D’Alfonsino: Fix the issue in modes other than Tower Control in which the area around the central rotating platform was registering as being inked in unintended ways.
– Mahi-Mahi Resort: Fix the issue In Rainmaker Mode in which breaking the Rainmaker barrier while in the central area caused the special gauge to fill more than intended.
– Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.