Splatoon wird bald mit Update 2.5.0 versorgt, wie Nintendo bekannt gegeben hat. In der Nacht von Dienstag auf Mittwoch sollte das 124MB große Update auf der Wii U zum Download bereit sein.
Auf der japanischen Splatoon Seite sind mittlerweile schon die Patch-Notes veröffentlicht worden, die NintendoEverything übersetzt hat. Die Verbesserungen und Änderungen seht ihr hier.
Stage Adjustments:
– Walleye Warehouse: Adjustments will be made to object placement in Rainmaker Mode.
– Arowana Mall: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
– Piranha Pit: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in Tower Control Mode.
Battle Adjustments
– Museum D’Alfonsino: Fix the issue in modes other than Tower Control in which the area around the central rotating platform was registering as being inked in unintended ways.
– Mahi-Mahi Resort: Fix the issue In Rainmaker Mode in which breaking the Rainmaker barrier while in the central area caused the special gauge to fill more than intended.
– Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.
– Walleye Warehouse: Adjustments will be made to object placement in Rainmaker Mode.
– Arowana Mall: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in all modes.
– Piranha Pit: Adjustments will be made to prevent users from taking certain shortcuts in Tower Control Mode.
Battle Adjustments
– Museum D’Alfonsino: Fix the issue in modes other than Tower Control in which the area around the central rotating platform was registering as being inked in unintended ways.
– Mahi-Mahi Resort: Fix the issue In Rainmaker Mode in which breaking the Rainmaker barrier while in the central area caused the special gauge to fill more than intended.
– Adjustments have been made to make for a more pleasant gaming experience.