Wie Naughty Dog auf ihrer Homepage anküdigen, erscheint am 14.08.2012 ein neuer Patch zu Uncharted 3. Das Update mit der Versionsnummer 1.13 bringt einige Änderungen mit sich.
- Increased recoil has been added to the G-MAL
- Deathmatch will now appear in round 5 instead of round 3 in Team Objective game modes
- uitting out of Co-op will no longer count as a Competitive loss when signing-out/disconnecting
- Lab games no longer count towards the Leaderboard
- Death from Above medal now requires the player to be at least 2 meters off the ground
- Players can earn more than 1 “Here, Hold This Medal” in a match
- A collection of trophies have been added for each DLC pack available
- The TAU Sniper Pistol has been tuned so the rate of fire is up 30% and its starting ammo is now 8 not 12
- The M9 blindfire accuracy has been reduced by 10% efficiency
- Cloaked level 3 is now immune to the effects of Disruption (it wasn’t working properly so we fixed it)
- Deathmatch will now appear in round 5 instead of round 3 in Team Objective game modes
- uitting out of Co-op will no longer count as a Competitive loss when signing-out/disconnecting
- Lab games no longer count towards the Leaderboard
- Death from Above medal now requires the player to be at least 2 meters off the ground
- Players can earn more than 1 “Here, Hold This Medal” in a match
- A collection of trophies have been added for each DLC pack available
- The TAU Sniper Pistol has been tuned so the rate of fire is up 30% and its starting ammo is now 8 not 12
- The M9 blindfire accuracy has been reduced by 10% efficiency
- Cloaked level 3 is now immune to the effects of Disruption (it wasn’t working properly so we fixed it)
Diese Änderungen sollen aber nur die Spitze des Eisbergs darstellen. Weitere Anpassungen werden ebenfalls folgen, sind allerdings noch nicht spruchreif.
Patch 1.13 for Uncharted 3 - it’s not a unicorn, it’s Godzilla. (...) These fixes are the tip of iceberg. There are more gameplay fixes coming as well but we’re not ready to discuss those yet.
Weiterhin wurden im gleichen Atemzug die Remixes des original Soundtracks erwähnt, welche ihr auf Soundcloud findet. Die Songs wurden bisher nirgends veröffentlicht und können kostenlos heruntergeladen werden.