Lange Zeit war es unklar, ob Killzone: Liberation auch einen Online-Modus bieten wird. Als dann im offiziellen Trailer nur der Ad-hoc Modus erwähnt wurde, war die Enttäuschung bei vielen groß.
Doch heute hat Sony Computer Entertainment America angekündigt, dass der Online-Modus kurz nach dem Release, zusammen mit zwei neuen Maps, kostenlos heruntergeladen werden kann.
Auch wird es noch mehr herunterladbare Inhalte geben, wie z.B. ein neues Kapitel, welches vier neue Level, neue Herausforderungen und weitere Multiplayer-Maps beinhaltet.
Hier die offizielle Pressemitteilung:
[quote]Taking full advantage of the power of PSP, Killzone: Liberation comes packed with features including the single player mode, game-share capabilities, a unique third person viewpoint, providing players with a more strategic perspective to take in all the action, as well as a Tactical Command System, in which players can give orders to an AI buddy during intense stand-offs with the enemy. There are also a variety of six-player Ad-Hoc multiplayer modes including Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Assault and Capture the Flag thereby offering the diversity that Killzone fans and PSP owners are expecting.
The game launches on October 31st, 2006, simultaneously to the official community website at, promising to be one of the most interactive PSP websites to date. Here players will be able to access un-lockable content, construct their own profile, maintain friend lists and track their own personal achievements.
Shortly after the games launch the Infrastructure mode with two new multiplayer maps will be available as a free download from the official site. This mode will deliver the same level of functionality as the Ad Hoc mode but will allow Killzone fans to test themselves against players across the globe. Also available after the games Halloween launch will be a new chapter of the game, extending the storyline beyond the UMD experience. The chapter will contain four additional missions, new challenge games and multiplayer maps
Until then, however, fans will be able to hone their skills on some of the latest features that make this version of the game such a unique proposition.
With its extensive range of single / multiplayer features and future downloadable content, Killzone: Liberation is one of the most exciting and innovative games to come to PSP.[/quote]