Für das PS4-exklusive Game Spider-Man hat das Entwicklerstudio Insomniac Games jetzt ein neues Update veröffentlicht. Das Update trägt die Versionsnummer 1.09, ist ab sofort verfügbar und behebt einige kleinere Bugs im Game.
Der Changelog sieht wie gefolgt aus:
- Addressed an issue where some suits would not load their highest detail model in some cases.
- Addressed an issue where the wrong character model was loaded during some missions.
- Addressed an issue where confirmation buttons were swapped during the first Drone Challenge in some regions.
- Addressed various Japanese dialogue issues in “The Heist” missions.
- Removed a vent on a building exterior in the Upper West Side that lead nowhere.
- Addressed an issue where the wrong character model was loaded during some missions.
- Addressed an issue where confirmation buttons were swapped during the first Drone Challenge in some regions.
- Addressed various Japanese dialogue issues in “The Heist” missions.
- Removed a vent on a building exterior in the Upper West Side that lead nowhere.