Vor exakt einer Woche hatte Microsoft und das Entwicklerstudio Undead Labs für das Xbox One- und PC-exklusive Game State of Decay 2 den ersten Patch veröffentlicht (Wir berichteten). Jetzt folgt der nächste Patch, der ab sofort verfügbar, zirka 5 GB groß ist und das Game auf die Versionsnummer 1.3 anhebt.
Der Changelog sieht wie gefolgt aus:
Crash Fixes
- Fixed issue where PC players were crashing on launch if they were in locales that do not support text-to-speech
- Fixed crashes players were experiencing when loading into their communities
- Improved stability
Improved Diagnostics
- Better logging to help troubleshoot startup crashes
- More granular crash tracking between the different Xbox platforms
- Better PC crash reporting
- Other Fixes
General stability improvements
- Fixed issue where PC players were crashing on launch if they were in locales that do not support text-to-speech
- Fixed crashes players were experiencing when loading into their communities
- Improved stability
Improved Diagnostics
- Better logging to help troubleshoot startup crashes
- More granular crash tracking between the different Xbox platforms
- Better PC crash reporting
- Other Fixes
General stability improvements