Niantic arbeitet immer noch hart daran, neue Funktionen zu Pokémon GO hinzuzufügen und gleichzeitig die bestehenden Fehler alle auszumerzen. Diesbezüglich hat man kürzlich das Update mit der Version 1.43.1 für iOS und 0.73.1 für Android veröffentlicht. Die Patch Notes seht ihr hier.
Added the ability for Trainers to spin the Photo Disc at a Gym using the Pokémon GO Plus accessory.
Added the ability to view the number of Trainers entered, and preparing, for a Raid Battle before using a Raid Pass.
Improved Pokémon Collection screen search functionality by allowing Trainers to search through their Pokémon’s moves using the @ character.
Resolved a bug which caused the Raid Boss to always break free from the last Premier Ball.
Resolved a bug that prevented Trainers from seeing they’d received double XP from Raid Battles when using a Lucky Egg.
Various bug fixes.
Added the ability to view the number of Trainers entered, and preparing, for a Raid Battle before using a Raid Pass.
Improved Pokémon Collection screen search functionality by allowing Trainers to search through their Pokémon’s moves using the @ character.
Resolved a bug which caused the Raid Boss to always break free from the last Premier Ball.
Resolved a bug that prevented Trainers from seeing they’d received double XP from Raid Battles when using a Lucky Egg.
Various bug fixes.