Pünktlich zum heutigen Launch von Deus Ex: Mankind Divided für Xbox One, PlayStation 4 und PC, haben Square Enix und Eidos Montreal den Season Pass zum Spiel detailliert. 29,99 Euro müsst ihr dafür bezahlen.
Größtenteils setzt sich der Season Pass aus Ingame-Inhalten zusammen, die schon heute für euch bereitstehen. Dabei handelt es sich um:
Assault Pack: Prepare to advance and assault the enemy with a custom skinned Battle Rifle, the Chaff Augmentation, one pack of regular Battle Rifle ammo, one pack of armor piercing Battle Rifle ammo, 2 Frag Grenades, and 2 EMP Grenades.
Tactical Pack: Using distance to your advantage, eliminate your targets silently with a custom skinned Tranquilizer Rifle, the Micro Assembler Augmentation, one pack of tranquilizer ammo, 3 Smoke Grenades, and 2 Gas Grenades.
4 Praxis Kits – These additional Praxis Kits will allow you to further develop the augmentations of your choosing, moving you one step closer to unlocking Adam’s full potential.
5000 Credits – Bolster your wallet with additional credits, providing you with extra spending money to purchase Praxis Kits, ammo, weapons, or anything else you may find at the shops in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
1000 Crafting Parts – Use crafting parts to craft upgrades, such as increased damage and accuracy, for any weapon in your inventory.
5 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach Booster Packs – Open your booster packs to unlock new weapons and items, Praxis points, premium ammo, and more, helping to augment and enhance your avatar in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach.
20 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach Chipsets – Use your chipsets to acquire exclusive items in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach, such as premium Booster Packs and custom weapons.
Tactical Pack: Using distance to your advantage, eliminate your targets silently with a custom skinned Tranquilizer Rifle, the Micro Assembler Augmentation, one pack of tranquilizer ammo, 3 Smoke Grenades, and 2 Gas Grenades.
4 Praxis Kits – These additional Praxis Kits will allow you to further develop the augmentations of your choosing, moving you one step closer to unlocking Adam’s full potential.
5000 Credits – Bolster your wallet with additional credits, providing you with extra spending money to purchase Praxis Kits, ammo, weapons, or anything else you may find at the shops in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
1000 Crafting Parts – Use crafting parts to craft upgrades, such as increased damage and accuracy, for any weapon in your inventory.
5 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach Booster Packs – Open your booster packs to unlock new weapons and items, Praxis points, premium ammo, and more, helping to augment and enhance your avatar in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach.
20 Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach Chipsets – Use your chipsets to acquire exclusive items in Deus Ex: Mankind Divided – Breach, such as premium Booster Packs and custom weapons.
Zusätzlich wird es neue Story-Missionen geben. "System Rift" soll noch im Herbst erscheinen. "A Criminal Past" wird dann Anfang 2017 verfügbar sein. Nähere Details dazu gibt es noch nicht.