PC Gamer hat in der aktuelle Ausgabe die weltweit erste Bewertung zu Doom 3 abgegeben. Ganze 94% hat das Spiel abgesahnt.
Hier findet ihr noch ein paar Auszüge aus dem Review:
[i]- Highs: Extraordinary graphics and sound; incredible tension, atmosphere, and mayhem.
- Lows: Some stabs at humor fall a bit flat.
- Bottom Line: Just as we'd hoped, it's a non-stop ride of tension, carnage and terror. A new classic.
- They say it will take 20+ hours to finish. Took the reviewer 24 hours to play.
- PC Gamer recommends:
2Ghz CPU
512 MB ram
Radeon 9800
5-channel audio
Lowest supported GPU is a Geforce 4 MX (worse than Geforce 3)
Supported cards:
GF 3
GF 4
GF FX (and higher)
ATI 8500s, 9000s and higher
- they play it on "can I play daddy" mode so they can get through it the fastest so they can write a review quickly. you gotta play it DEATH INCARNATE inorder to enjoy this gem. and it will take you much longer[/i]
Das komplette Review findet ihr unten, in der Quelle.