Mitte September kündigte das Entwicklerstudio 4J Studios das Update 1.8.2 für die Xbox 360-Version von Minecraft an (Wir berichteten). Damals peilte man die zweite Oktoberwoche als Releasetermin an. Und siehe da: Heute gibt man die Veröffentlichung vom Update bekannt. Das Update trägt die Versionsnummer 1.8.2 und kann ab sofort heruntergeladen werden. Der Changelog sieht wie gefolgt aus:
- Creative Mode
- Superflat world type
- Hunger
- NPC Villages, Abandoned Mineshafts, Strongholds and Ravines
- 12 Music Discs
- New Combat Mechanics:
* Chargeable bows
* Critical hits
* Sprinting
* Players can parry with a sword
- Ability to change the name of your world save
- Chain Armor
- Pressure Plates can now be placed on fences
- New mobs:
* Endermen
* Cave spiders
* Silverfish
New Food Items:
* Apples
* Raw Chicken
* Cooked Chicken
* Raw Beef
* Steak
* Melons
* Melon seeds
* Rotten Flesh
- Cobwebs
- Fence Gate
- Iron bars
- Glass pane
- Stone Brick
- Stone Brick Stairs
- Stone Brick Slabs
- Brick Stairs
- Brick Slabs
- Pumpkin Seed
- Vines
- Pumpkins and Melons grow from stems much faster, and do not require farmland around the stem to grow on
- Sponges(Creative only)
- New biome
- Swamp biome
- Ocean biome
- Ocean floor now consists of Clay, sand and dirt, this makes clay easier to find
- Mountain biome
- River
- Rivers flow through/in between biomes
- Passive mobs will randomly flee if attacked by the player or other mobs (such as Cows)
- Pig has 3D snout.
- Sugar Cane can now be placed on sand
- Chest has opening and closing animation
- User-placed leaf blocks no longer decay
- Skeletons hold full size bow
- Shears can now collect Tall Grass and Vines
- Exclusive Superflat option for the Nether
- Option to turn clouds off
- Large changes to Xbox 360 tutorial mode
- Bonus chest world option
- Option to turn PVP off
- Option to turn fire spread off
- Option to make TNT not detonate
- Option to trust players (to op players)
- Bug fixes:
* Fix for duplication glitch.
* Fix for aspect ratio of things in hand when in splitscreen mode.
* Fix for issue with player data not saving (player starting world with no items they had when they saved)
* Fix for redstone tiles burning out when they shouldn’t.
* Fixed issue with Minecart with Furnace not being able to move another Minecart.
* Fixed particle code for flipped 3rd person view.
- Superflat world type
- Hunger
- NPC Villages, Abandoned Mineshafts, Strongholds and Ravines
- 12 Music Discs
- New Combat Mechanics:
* Chargeable bows
* Critical hits
* Sprinting
* Players can parry with a sword
- Ability to change the name of your world save
- Chain Armor
- Pressure Plates can now be placed on fences
- New mobs:
* Endermen
* Cave spiders
* Silverfish
New Food Items:
* Apples
* Raw Chicken
* Cooked Chicken
* Raw Beef
* Steak
* Melons
* Melon seeds
* Rotten Flesh
- Cobwebs
- Fence Gate
- Iron bars
- Glass pane
- Stone Brick
- Stone Brick Stairs
- Stone Brick Slabs
- Brick Stairs
- Brick Slabs
- Pumpkin Seed
- Vines
- Pumpkins and Melons grow from stems much faster, and do not require farmland around the stem to grow on
- Sponges(Creative only)
- New biome
- Swamp biome
- Ocean biome
- Ocean floor now consists of Clay, sand and dirt, this makes clay easier to find
- Mountain biome
- River
- Rivers flow through/in between biomes
- Passive mobs will randomly flee if attacked by the player or other mobs (such as Cows)
- Pig has 3D snout.
- Sugar Cane can now be placed on sand
- Chest has opening and closing animation
- User-placed leaf blocks no longer decay
- Skeletons hold full size bow
- Shears can now collect Tall Grass and Vines
- Exclusive Superflat option for the Nether
- Option to turn clouds off
- Large changes to Xbox 360 tutorial mode
- Bonus chest world option
- Option to turn PVP off
- Option to turn fire spread off
- Option to make TNT not detonate
- Option to trust players (to op players)
- Bug fixes:
* Fix for duplication glitch.
* Fix for aspect ratio of things in hand when in splitscreen mode.
* Fix for issue with player data not saving (player starting world with no items they had when they saved)
* Fix for redstone tiles burning out when they shouldn’t.
* Fixed issue with Minecart with Furnace not being able to move another Minecart.
* Fixed particle code for flipped 3rd person view.